Exposure Units
- Table top plate makers
- Bench top exposure unit, with overhead light source, the vacuum blanket and glass top accept plate only.
- Rotary and flip top plate makers
- Free standing exposure unit contains the light in the cabinet, the vacuum blanket and glass top accept plate only.
- Combination screen and plate exposure units
- Free standing exposure in its with deep well blankets can expose screen printing screens or plate.
- Direct screen exposure units
- Exposure system with a bank of UV bulbs, suitable for screen printing screens.
Table Top Plate Makers
Designed specifically to expose plate, these exposure units will give the best results for exposing all types of photographic plates. Ensure fast, consistent exposures and superior image reproduction on printing plates that require UV exposure with absolute contact. The light source provides adequate U. V. output to expose platinum and palladium prints.
Nu-Arc Table Top Plate Maker
NuArc 26-1KS/HD
1000 watt deluxe metal halide exposure systems, integrator system, 8 memory channels, LED display, heavy duty vacuum pump system
- Maximum image area 23" x 27"
- 1000 Watts 10 Amps 120 Volts (20 Amp Service Required)
- Overall Size: 30"D x 30"W
- LC128 heavy duty vacuum pump
Light Shield Curtain
Floor Stand
Replacement Parts
Heavy duty vacuum pump replacement for the 26-1KS W/HD
Combination Screen and Plate Exposure Units
These screen printing exposure units are designed for screen printing emulsions, the deep well blanket draws down tightly over screen printing frames. Combination units have the capability of output sufficient UV output and have sufficient blanket draw down to expose all types of photographic plate. If you primarily expose photographic plate such as photo litho, photopolymer plates, and photopolymer films we suggest a plate maker exposure unit. Platemaker exposure units achieve more intimate draw down and allow visual inspection of film to plate registration.
Replacement Parts
Replacement Lamp for Nu-Arc MSP 3140 $240.00
Amergraph combination screen and plate exposure units
Advantage 150
Multi-Spectrum Exposure System: Instant start metal-halide point light source, 20 channel scroll set light integrator with Auto-Optimize TM technology, specially designed blanket for intimate contact with no air strings and automatic vacuum release. Three-year limited warranty. This 1200 watt metal halide exposure unit that is capable of exposing a 31" x 41" screen or plate. Amergraph
- Useable area 31" x 41 "
- 1200 Watts
Direct Screen Exposure Units
These screen printing specific exposure units, have the weakest form of UV light source, therefore they are not recommended for exposing Emerald photo litho, or photopolymer plates and films. High output UV florescent lamps expose all silkscreen emulsions: direct, capillary and indirect. These affordable direct silkscreen exposure units are enclosed allowing operation in the darkroom.
NuArc First-Light
150W, 230V, 1.4A
NuArc First Light Versatile and affordable tabletop unit with five high output UV florescent lamps. Useable Area 23" x 31" 150 Watts
Replacement Parts
Replacement Lamp First Light NuArc VE1219 (5 required) $11.00ea.
NuArc Mega-Light
Doubles as a light table 330W, 230V, 2.4A Tabletop exposure system with optional floor stand. 11 high output UV florescent Lamps. 2 additional lamps allow Mega-Light to double as a light table.
NuArc Mega-Light Useable Area 31” x 40” 330 Watts
Price $3,640
Floor Stand (overall 41”H) NuArc AOPT-MLIT-STD $360
Replacement Parts
UV Replacement Lamp (11 required) NuArc VE1219 $11.00 ea.
Inspection Replacement Lamp (2 required) NuArc VE83 $5.50 ea.
Discontinued Products
*(Some items accessories such as bulbs still available.)NuArc NP80
Replacement Parts
Metal Halide Replacement Lamp $180
AmerGraph Table Top Plate Maker
1200 watt metal halide exposure systems with heavy duty vacuum pump, 20 channel scroll set-integrator, lithium battery backup, 8 memory channels, LED display, 3-year limited warranty.
- 1200 W, 120V, 20A, 60Hz
- Maximum plate area: 24" x 28"
- 1200 Watts 10 Amps 120 Volts (20 Amp Service Required, 110 Volt.)
- Overall Size: 30"D x 31"W
Floor Stand for the Amergraph V28
Light Shield Curtain for the Amergraph V28
Replacement Parts
Metal Halide Replacement Lamp for the Amergraph V28 $250
Rotary and Flip Top Plate Exposure Units
Designed specifically to expose plate, these exposure units will give the best results for exposing all types of photographic plates. Ensure fast, consistent exposures and superior image reproduction on printing plates that require UV exposure with absolute contact.NuArc Flip Top Platemakers
NuArc FT40V3UP
Fully enclosed Flip Top light cabinet with 3000 watt instant-start multi-spectrum metal-halide lamp. Standard features include LED display, single channel light integrator control, heavy-duty vacuum pump and molded one piece blanket.
- Maximum plate area 33" x 41.5"
- 3000W, 230V, 17A
- 43” H x 51” W x 56”D
- 780 lb
Replacement Parts
*Replacement Lamp for the NuArc FT40V3UP $212
Amergraph Rotary Top Platemakers
Magnum Series
3000 watt metal-halide point light source with heavy duty vacuum pump, 20 channel scroll-set integrator, lithium battery backup, 3 year limited warranty, will pass through 30" opening.
- 240V, 20A, 60Hz
Magnum 283 SE Maximum plate ares: 24" x 28" Floor Space: 38"D x 37"W 350 lb
Magnum 323 SE Maximum plate area: 26" x 32" Floor Space: 40"D x 41"W 410 lb
Magnum 453 SE Usable Area 34" x 45" Floor Space 48"D x 54"W 640 lb
*Replacement Lamp for Amergraph magnum series exposure units 3000 Watt metal-halide $250.00
Multi-Spectrum Exposure System: Fully automatic controls, instant start metal-halide multi-spectrum lamp that exposes all emulsions, instant vacuum release. One year limited warranty excluding blanket, glass and lamp. This 800 watt metal halide exposure unit that is capable of exposing a 21" x 25" screen or plate. Note: When lower frames are disassembled, units will fit through a 30" doorway.
- NuArc MSP2125
- Useable Area21" x 25"
- 800 Watts
Floor stand for Nu-Arc PJ34
Replacement Parts
*Replacement Lamp Nu-Arc NP80 $180